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Chevrolet 23290400, 825902385, 7828974396, 7802.277.659, / 23290400, 825902385, 7828974396, 7802277659 CORVETTE Convertible (C7) 2016 Steering column
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Name Steering column
Commercial ID 00222651
Product code (MPN) 23290400, 825902385, 7828974396, 7802.277.659,
Price (incl. tax) €1,459.00
Condition Used product
Drive position LHD
Attributes --
Color --
Color code --
Manufacturer Chevrolet
Model CORVETTE Convertible (C7)
Type6.2 Z06
Partan GmbH
Sachsenring 8 31535 Neustadt am Rbge